3) core references & resources

compiled curated pages / tools / orgs toolkit

pages (more contextual):
-> see refs below
+ raindrop interneto-like bookmarks (coming soon)

-> notion database (coming soon)

core references breakdown:

information ecology navigation & sensemaking

systems design - principles & constraints:
'Humanity's Phase Shift', Daniel Schmachtenberger - YouTube
The War on Sensemaking, Daniel Schmachtenberger - YouTube

systems design - prototypes:
Global Green New Deal! It's time to do what our governments have failed to do. Heal our planet. - YouTube
11 YEAR JOURNEY TO REGENERATE OUR EARTH | Ep. 1 Journey to Regenerative Civilizations Series - YouTube

research thesis based on a primary image/diagram:
Anatomy of an AI System / The Nooscope Manifested

great narratives:
Wisdom Age — Roote
Wisdom Age Advice — Roote
next: collective/collaborative databases
Manifesto - Startupy
Hey heey, welcome to Startupy — Startupy Index

great primary maps:
Future Narratives - Radar
techDetector | Radar
startupy topics
singularity university tech topics breakdown
Musicmap | The Genealogy and History of Popular Music Genres

MVP specifications:
SoftspaceAR | MVP Design Paper - by Yiliu - Softspace

video series:
The Third Attractor Primer Series - liberatemankind
Clareza da Missão - Download Mental - YouTube
{learning} - SEEDS - YouTube

upcoming mapping initiatves:
MapsMap: Build an app for open source collaboration on maps of problems through crowdsourcing and crowdfunding. - Devpost
Intelligent Cooperation Tech Tree

block-level page exposition:
Spatial-communities by @ianv - vienna hypertext

research project breakdown page:
WonderOS / Hello, Operator!
MercuryOS / Jasmin Winiarski Maze Portfolio Website

overviews -> website navigation:
Azlen Elza / Musings on Jigsaw Worlds / Design Journal -> Micro Learning Futures - Azlen Elza

community gaming/research experiment:
Hivemind - Serpentine Galleries
Moving Castles: Modular and Portable Multiplayer Miniverses / Trust

core concepts:
metacrisis / planetary transition / human phase shift
game b / civilization design / systems design
distributed systems / decentralized systems / regenerative systems / disruptive systems
regeneration / disruption / integration
metadesign / ontological design
integral theory / four quadrants / fourgames
meta-cognitive processes / life management
maps / boards -> wardley mapping / game board

civilization design:
network states
ecovillages, smart cities, smart villages
civilization emerging / civium
future thinkers smart village
the venus project

digital gardens:
The Garden of Maggie Appleton
The Curated Avenue (patricia parkinson)
tft hacker
scaling synthesis
azlen elza

📖 Livro digital: Portfólios de Vida

The FourGames Deck: Creating a Handy Oracle Card Game
Baralho de Habilidades Reaprendiz (degustação da versão beta)

XR/metaverse guides:
M3 Home Space / M3-org/git-gud: how to git gud / Content Creation: Designing an Experience - The Design of Virtual and Augmented Reality

AI guides:
sw-yx - AI notes: notes on AI state of the art, with a focus on generative and large language models.

AI directories:

research / experiments:
LN 000: The Lab Notes / EXPERIMENT 001: Cross-reference Navigation in Obsidian / OLLOS (members-only)
Tweetscape Experiments #discontinued

future of education / coordination / collaboration as the life game:
Level Up: Presenting the Future of Education as a Game, and How … — Voice Over Exit
Education is the Metacrisis - Perspectiva
Gaming the Future - Technologies for Intelligent Voluntary Cooperation (Foresight Institute)

historical accounts / breakdown articles:
Spatial Web Browsing / A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Garden / MaggieAppleton/digital-gardeners: Resources, links, projects, and ideas for gardeners tending their digital notes on the public interwebs

knowledge management design specifications:
Andy Matuschak
Personal Knowledge Graphs
Linus - the sephist

design principles, metaframeworks:
Metadesign, Jogos e Transformação Cultural. | by Caio Vassão | Medium / Metadesign e Meta-aprendizagem: da estética ao cosmo. | by Caio Vassão | Medium / Como financiar a transformação?. Nesse quarto artigo sobre o “Novo Ciclo… | by Caio Vassão | The Funnel | Medium

map navigation interface based on open-source data:
Open Knowledge Maps - A visual interface to the world's scientific knowledge
Open Syllabus: Galaxy / Open Syllabus / Dataset Documentation — Open Syllabus 2.8 documentation

metaverse-oriented AI:
masterpiece studio
luma labs
blockade labs

article-style ecosystem mapping:
The Liminal Web: Mapping An Emergent Subculture Of Sensemakers, Meta-Theorists & Systems Poets / Mapping Metamodern - Charting an emerging ecosystem by Life Itself, Emerge and collaborators

curated lists of projects w/ descriptions:
The Architecture of Open Source Applications / Projects | thesephist.com

interactive encyclopedia/wiki:
Iconographic Encyclopædia of Science, Literature, and Art

content on "how the world works":
how money works
principles (by ray dalio)
mundos possíveis documentary
dan koe's career philosophical videos

best personal websites:
technical -> Maggie Appleton / Andy Matuschak
artistic -> Bruno Simon / Jesse's Ramen
strategic, aligned -> Patricia Parkinson / Benjamin Life / Andrew Murray Dunn

alternative personal websites:
The Satyrs’ Forest 🍇 / R.V.Klein 🐇 HOME
Drew's Conversation Menu - Google Docs

tier 1 researchers:
omar rizwan tylerangert, andy matuschak, robert haisfield, alexander obenauer (theorists)
maggie appleton , sari azout, serj hunt, raghav agrawal, john nulls, andrew altshuller (curators)
softspace's Yiliu Shen-Burke / kosmik's paul rony / fermat.ws' pol baladas / excalidraw's zsolt viczián / tweetscape's thesephist, jacky zhao, stephen reid, nick torba & julian fleck / fromsergio (developers)
caio vassão / jamie combs
alex bretas / luis sérgio
felipe vassão

relevant organizations:
Other Internet
Resources – Buckminster Fuller Institute
Foresight Institute - Catalyzing Transformative Technologies
Singularity University
Institute for The Future
Future of Humanity Institute
Center for Humane Technology
(consulting & org design)
Target Teal
Chie Integrates
Commons Engine

(mostly) FOSS personal tech stacks

visual bookmarks navigation:
otter manager

file management:

desktop customization / ricing:
nix customization / rainmeter / screenstyler

PKM setups:
obsidian projects dashboard / Rainbell129/Obsidian-Homepage: A dashboard for your obsidian vault.
juggl / breadcrumbs / dataview

community-curated knowledge networks:
sublime (ex-startupy)
Top Curators On The Internet - Google Docs

core comms:

cada vez mais acessível: design intencional de sistemas pessoais. (apps/tecnologias q a gente usa). entretenimento q a gente consome, onde direcionamos nossa atenção, ferramenta de gestão da vida (nossa vida e os jogos que a gente joga).

conscious/intentional/humane tech/systems design:

ref: https://www.inkandswitch.com/embark/
habitica / lifeRPG (both open-source)


⭐ tools:
invidious - alternative youtube front-end
nitter - alternative twitter front-end
nodus labs
AI knowledge graphs

data breakdown:

networks / data sources:
google / youtube / wikipedia / twitter / reddit / facebook / instagram / substack (RSS feed) / podcast (snipd) / discord
golden / sublime (ex-startupy) / mastodon / bluesky / are.na / glasp / melon
pinterest / artstation / dribbble / behance

files management:
bookmarks - raindrop
notes - telegram <> obsidian
images - eagle.cool
videos - youtube
personal data - synapsis (rescuetime, rize, toggl)

x pages (bookmarks)
x notes/highlights
x images
x videos
x metrics

y saved posts (instagram)
y saved posts (facebook)
y saved tweets (twitter)
y saved videos (youtube)

2nd layer - open explorations:

OSE Apprenticeship | Open Source Ecology / cohere network

global ecovillage network (GEN) / IC / worldpackers / workaway

makerspaces / maker culture / hackerspaces
creative spaces
incubators / accelerators / hubs

stephen reid / paul rony

"research agents" / "application agents" / "follow-up/relationship agents"


talk about: /
++ mapping. envisioning futures.

other / passive references:


the open revolution - rufus pollock

tbd - bucky fuller

tbd - token engineering / token engineering commons
token economy - shermin voshmgir
tbd - metacurrency

o chamado pra liderança regenerativa - desenvolvimento regenerativo
a jornada humana em busca da visão - desenvolvimento regenerativo

soulcraft - bill plotkin
the completion process - teal swan
how to do the work - the holistic psychologist

life management

mainstream communicators:
thomas frank, ali abdaal, marie poulin, anne-laure le cunff / ness labs, august bradley

mainstream tools:

deeper communicators:
bryan jenks
shu omi

main "theorists":
andy matuschak
tiago forte / forte labs / BASB
nick milo / linking your thinking

more obscure/deeper thinkers/developers:
zsolt viczián / zsolt's visual personal knowledge management system - https://www.youtube.com/c/VisualPKM
alexander obenauer - future of personal computing - https://alexanderobenauer.com/labnotes/000
infranodus - AI-augmented cognition - https://twitter.com/noduslabs


reality disruption labs topics:

future of:


work (action)
communities (decision-making)
environments (sensemaking)

sublime (ex-startupy) most interesting topics:

by tier:

tier 0:

tier 1:

tier 2:

tier 3:

by topic:

singularity university community topics:

A - Computation
A.A - Quantum Technology
A.B - GPU Chips
A.C - IOT & Sensors
A.D - XR (AR/VR)
A.E - 5G Communications
A.F - Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Tech
B - Robotics
B.A - Nano Robotics
B.B - Automation (RPA)
B.C - Drones
B.D - Swarm Robotics
B.E - Robotic Surgery (n/i)
C - Artificial Intelligence
C.A - Machine Learning
C.B - Data Science
C.C - Computer Vision
C.D - Neural Networks
C.E - Natural Language Processing
C.F - Generative Design
D - Additive Manufacturing
D.A - Laser Sintering and Fusion
D.B - Fused Filament Fabrication
D.C - Stereolithography
E - Philosophy & Ethics
E.A - Bioethics
E.B - Moral Philosophy
E.C - Ethics and AI
E.D - Philosophy of Technology
E.E - Philosophy of Information
F - Psychology
F.A - Mental Health
F.B - Digital Presence
G - Biology & Physiology
G.A - Cyborgism and Human Enhancement
G.B - Digital and Simulated Biology
G.C - Health and Wellness
G.D - Neurobiology/Neuroscience
H - Leadership & Transformation
H.A - Workforce Up-Skilling
H.B - Systems Thinking
H.C - Business Models & Value Creation
H.D - Future Planning
H.E - Technological Unemployment
H.F - Adaptability and Resilience
H.G - Universal Basic Income (UBI)
I - Innovation
I.A - Design Thinking
I.B - Prototyping
I.C - Technology Adoption
I.D - Corporate Intrapreneurship
J - Entrepreneurship
J.A - Startups
J.B - Venture Capital Investing
J.C - Private Equity Investing
K - Governance
K.A - International Relations
K.B - Policy and Legislation (n/i)
K.C - Public Good
L - Sociology & Culture
L.A - Cultural Beliefs and Identity
L.B - Social Cooperation
L.C - Communication and Language
L.D - Equity and Access
L.E - Media
M - Economics
M.A - Globalization
M.B - Technological Unemployment
M.C - Economic Systems
N - Built Environments
N.A - Urban Development
N.B - Architecture
N.C - Disaster Resilience
N.D - Sustainable Development
N.E - Transportation
O - Digital Environments
O.A - Social Media
O.B - Immersive Environments
O.C - Mixed Reality
P - Natural Environments
P.A - Climate
P.B - Ecology